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Journeying – Transitions | Journalling Sessions

Journeying is back from a short break! Moving away from places and faces, or experiencing a shift in ourselves and in relationships— there are so many kinds of transitions we experience as we go through life. Join us as we reflect on what transitions bring up for us and what it means to us, as...

Historic agreement will rid Colombia of landmines

Central Park Brooklyn, NY 10036, New York

Cras dapibus ullamcorper dictum. Vivamus nec erat placerat felis scelerisque porttitor in ac turpis. In nec imperdiet turpis. Suspendisse quis orci ut orci pulvinar eleifend. Nulla eu mattis ipsum. Integer eget sagittis nulla. Praesent consectetur lacus et maximus eleifend. Integer non lacus dui. Mauris tortor diam, laoreet quis commodo vitae, sodales vel augue.| Sed rutrum,...


Potluck Poetry: Economic and Social Inequality

Potluck Poetry is a community for poetry enthusiasts. Each session is focused around a particular theme. We come together to share and listen to poems that remind us of the idea and let the discussion flow organically from there! Poetry in all languages is welcome! If possible, bring along a short translation for the rest...