Stepping Stones is an umbrella of engagement services conducted in a group format. These groups range from activity-oriented to talking groups and serve as reflective spaces for different purposes.
At present, Stepping Stones consists of :
Support Group
The Women’s Support Group was initially started as a weekly safe space during the anti-CAA protests and has since evolved into a support structure through subsequent collective crises such as the 2020 Delhi Pogroms, and the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis and lockdown. The intent of the group is to give members a space to speak about their thoughts and feelings about the turbulent times our society is currently experiencing, and to find meaning in sharing and discussing the experiences brought forth and shared by members.
Support Group for Caregivers
This Support Group for Caregivers is a weekly, 90 minute facilitated space that was set up to address the carer’s needs. It’s a slow open group for caregivers of individuals with mental health difficulties. It serves to provide a space for carers to express their concerns, share experiences and resources and think together about ways in which they can better meet the challenges of their role.
Engagement Group
The engagement group is a weekly faciliated space for individuals with long-standing psychological difficulties to meet, interact and participate in a variety of activities. These activities can be with the explicit purpose of learning a skill, reflecting on patterns (of thoughts, feelings and behavior) or winding down and having fun together. Member to member interactions are encouraged, facilitating an experience of community, supporting the development of social skills and a support system as well as encouraging autonomy.
Psychoeducation Group
The psychoeducation group is a highly structured 16 session group designed for individuals with a diagnosis of Personality Disorder or Difficulties. The modules are geared towards providing information about the diagnosis, developing insight into difficult patterns and developing a holistic care plan. The psychosocial framework and experiential activities help to reflect on relational and prosocial challenges. The group format facilities social interaction, peer support and an experience of belonging. This can be seen as a preparatory group for long-term group psychotherapy.
Permaculture Group
The permaculture group is a facilitated engagement group with a specific project which is to design, develop and tend to a permaculture garden. However, the group combines permaculture work with reflective spaces and functions like a small community. For its members, the group provides the experience of working on a long-term, comprehensive project and a space to reflect on group dynamics and the challenges of working together. The group experience promotes a sense of responsibility towards other members and the group’s task.