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PsyChaat ’20 | Elephants In The Room
November 29, 2020
Rs500 – Rs1000Every year, Kairos organizes an annual event aimed at addressing concerns regarding our mental health. This year, Kairos wants to talk about the things that go unsaid, the thoughts that don’t come into the light, and the emotions that get swept under the rug.
What happens when we delve deep into the collective unconscious?
How have our identities intersected with our mental health?
Is it possible to name the hidden through song?
What does it mean to associate financial resources with mental health care?
Zoom link will be sent post confirmation of registration through full payment*
*all payments are non-refundable
Who is it for ?
For anybody who wants to discuss things that go under the rug, go unsaid and unexplored.
Into The Shadows | Social Dreaming
Time : 9:00am – 11:00am
Facilitator : Shama Parkhe
Description : Participants are invited to share their dreams from previous nights or weeks. Everyone is encouraged to provide associations for these dreams, letting them move through the room seeking resonance. The invitation is to be aware of your thoughts and feelings as they come and go, and share whatever you wish to. A discussion will follow where we will look at the associations and connections (created by the group) and attempt to understand them against the larger socio-cultural context. The only ask is to be honest and open in saying whatever comes to your mind.
Cloak of Invisibility: Intersectional Identities & Mental Health (Panel)
Time : 11:30am – 1:00pm
Facilitator : Hena Faqurudheen
Description : We are inviting service-users to reflect and speak on the intersection of identity with their experiences with the Indian mental health system. Three panellists will speak from lived experiences of caste, disability, and queerness in conjunction with mental health.
The panel discussion is 50 minutes in duration; the moderator will pose 2-3 questions for all panellists, in dialogue with each other. The remaining time is split as 30 mins for audience Q&A and 10 mins for conclusion. The event will be ISL accessible in an effort to be inclusive; it will also be recorded for editing and putting up on our platforms.
The Song I Won’t Sing: Spoken Word/Poetry
Time : 3:30pm-4:30pm
Facilitator : Arushi Bradu
Description : The workshop aims to encourage people to look at their personal elephants in the room. Words and rhyme are used as mediums of acknowledging and expressing these thoughts. The idea is to engage with the group, a representation of the outside world, one from which we tend to hide these very emotions and thoughts. It is to encourage a conversation or bringing forth of these challenging thoughts, through words and poetry.
Chailogue: Money Matters in Mental Health
Time : 6:00pm-8:00pm
Facilitator : Pratiksha Tewari
Description : The workshop aims to encourage people to look at their personal elephants in the room. Words and rhyme are used as mediums of acknowledging and expressing these thoughts. The idea is to engage with the group, a representation of the outside world, one from which we tend to hide these very emotions and thoughts. It is to encourage a conversation or bringing forth of these challenging thoughts, through words and poetry.
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