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Groups : From Conception to Birth

Ever since the pandemic started (and even before that), there has been an increasing need for supportive spaces. These spaces could be in the form of support groups, therapy groups, engagement groups, reflective groups, supervision groups, etc. The process of thinking about and setting up a group can be filled with anxieties. It places a...


ReadAbsorbthink! Lecture – What am I doing in this group ?

"What am I doing in this group? I wont be comfortable talking in a group I don't want to share my therapy space What if I don't like other group members? What if other group members don't like me?" This lecture aims to highlight themes around the terror of joining/being part of a group. It...


Open Mic Game Night

Dear Mental Health Practitioners, Everyone has had a tough year, and YOU have helped many of us get through it. So it's only fair that you get some space to have some fun ! We are creating this space for YOU to take a break, interact, perform, unwind, relax, and connect with one another. Join...


ReadAbsorbthink! Lecture – Why should I trust you ?

A significant aspect of the therapeutic process is helping individuals experience safety in a relationship. The therapeutic relationship, like most others, is based on trust. But unlike relationships outside the therapy room, this one often appears to be one sided. Join us for this month's ReadAbsorbThink! Lecture where we take a dive into the therapist's...


Working with Trauma

This webinar is an introduction to developing a trauma-informed lens for mental health care and psychotherapy. It will cover understanding the impacts of trauma, working with complex mental health needs of individuals, groups, and communities, and managing vicarious trauma in mental health care practice. Practitioners are invited to submit case vignettes for group discussion in...


Chai-logue 79 – It’s Not Funny

We all know the power of humour. In its various forms, it can be a way to cope, to coax, and to coup. So who gets to define what is funny? What are the things we try to hide behind humour? As boundaries, tolerance, prejudice, and power get mixed up with humour, we're taking a...

Potluck Poetry – Responsibility and Agency

Potluck Poetry is a community for poetry enthusiasts. Each session is focused around a particular theme. We come together to share and listen to poems that remind us of the idea and let the discussion flow organically from there! Poetry in all languages is welcome! If possible, bring along a short translation for the rest...

Chai-logue 80: Kahi Suni – Reflections on the impact of oral narratives

The images of a bedtime story being told, or a bonfire horror tale being shared, or hearing someone regale the times gone by - invoke nostalgia, warmth, and sometimes hurt and longing as well. We are made of stories, and not all of them are preserved in tomes. Some just remain as memories that allow...


Potluck Poetry – Tradition

  Potluck Poetry is a community for poetry enthusiasts. Each session is focused around a particular theme. We come together to share and listen to poems that remind us of the idea and let the discussion flow organically from there! Poetry in all languages is welcome! If possible, bring along a short translation for the...


Chai-logue #81: Search for a Village

In the age of isolation, independence, and individual(ism), it's difficult to get in touch with our need for community. Our urban identities often leave a lot unanswered in terms of how we define community in our current setups. We're opening up Chai-logue to musings about questions of why do we need community, how do we...
