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Between You and Me – exploring relational patterns

15583||cmsmasters-project-thumb Whether it's family, friendships, love, or work - what constitutes a healthy relationship? Join us to explore your relationship patterns and how you think and feel about the different people in your life. This will be more of a reflective space rather than a training space. We will provide a setting within which you...


The Changing Nature of Groups

In the context of Group Analytic Psychotherapy, groups are ever-evolving and riddled with questions. Are 2 people a group? How do groups evolve when new members join? When one member leaves, how do others left behind deal with the uncertainty and discomfort of not knowing what happened? What happens to the group when a member...


Assessments & Formulations in the context of Psychotherapy

For many mental health professionals, assessments are the first interaction with a patient. It is a space for mutual understanding, and it sets the tone for a patient’s engagement with the mental health system. In this right, assessments become a complex process of gathering information, assessing an individual’s psychological needs and putting forth a comprehensive...


The Therapeutic Community Experience

The Therapeutic Community(TC) experience is designed with the aim to offer mental health care providers with a space to explore, understand, and experience some of the crucial concepts that are at play in almost every therapeutic setting, such as attachment, containment, agency, boundaries, and communication. However, this webinar series does not qualify or certify you...


PsyChaat ’20 | Elephants In The Room

Every year, Kairos organizes an annual event aimed at addressing concerns regarding our mental health. This year, Kairos wants to talk about the things that go unsaid, the thoughts that don’t come into the light, and the emotions that get swept under the rug. What happens when we delve deep into the collective unconscious? How...

Rs500 – Rs1000

ReadAbsorbThink! Lecture – Group Therapy as a Nomadic Experience

Placing emotions and relationships at the center of human experience, this lecture throws up some questions on the nature of experience in a therapy group. Keeping in mind that the therapy group exists in a social context, members and facilitators seem to pitch their tents on the fringes and what emerges is a dilemma of...

Rs 450

ReadAbsorbThink! Lecture – The Inheritance of FEAR emotion known to us all and yet spoken about in secrecy. "First I learned to be afraid and then I learned to hide the fear. Fear is essential for my survival. But is it only with fear that I can live my life...or rather be alive? 'Be careful...don't do's only because we love...


ReadAbsorbThink! Lecture – Who do you think you are?

The dilemma of claiming authority among early-career therapists Where does authority lie and what are the means by which one is able to claim it? Even if one claims authority, one is not sure whether or not they are telling the 'truth' - Who decides? What are the consequences of not claiming one's authority? These...


Understanding Personality Disorders

The Online Certificate Course on Understanding Personality Disorders will focus on developing a shared understanding of the experience of those who struggle with personality difficulties/disorders as well as their caregivers. As a mental health professional, you can expect to learn about and understand the different eco-bio-psycho-social factors that contribute to the development of personality difficulties/disorders...


ReadAbsorbThink! Lecture – Trust in Therapy

Trust and the feeling of being safe in Therapy is the base for therapy. But why is that ? Join in to have a conversation on looking at Trust in groups, where we look at it from various lenses such as Eric Ericson's Stages of development, Maslow's Hierarchy and Chakra System. Further through these lens,...
